Resources & Materials
for Teachers, Students,
and Practitioners of
and Related Subjects
I spent a lot of years thinking & reflecting on, teaching and writing about various aspects of Chinese Medicine. I created books & study guides, courses & curriculae all with a deep respect for the source, as well as the recipient.
Now retired, I find myself sitting on an enormous amount of effort and product that is just collecting proverbial dust. My solution here is to create both a repository for it and at the same time a dispensary for that material. I want to make it available to as many people as possible in the hope that some will find their way here and some of those will find my work useful.
Mostly I am thinking about the students of Chinese Medicine and all the contortions they go through trying to “understand” this stuff, and on the other side of that coin, all the teachers trying to help their students ‘get it’.
A third partner in this grand project are the schools.
And not to be forgotten – practitioners … we should forever be studying and learning more.
These materials are for all of YOU.
This site is meant to be a general resource to all those seeking to enhance their understanding or develop their practice of Tai Ji, Dao Yin, Qi Gong, Acupuncture, Shiatsu, Yi Jing and other related Chinese medicine fields.
Everything here is free for personal, as well as institutional use.
They are mostly in PDF format. Some are one page, while others are entire books, some rather lengthy.
You can read, study, test yourself here, or download and print out at home, or take the pdf to a professional printer and have books or handouts made.
* My requests of you are twofold: 1) you charge only the cost of production to your students, and 2) contribute a little to help support this website.
Otherwise they are not for re-sale.
* Also, please maintain my name (Jim Cleaver) in association with all materials (on covers/footers, etc.)

About Jim Cleaver
Jim has over forty years of experience teaching Chinese medicine and is the co-founder of the Chinese medicine program at NUNM (National University of Natural Medicine) in Portland, Oregon. He has the perspective of being both an academic and a clinician, as well as an administrator. He lived in China (1988-1989) and helped fascilitate a couple of student internships at the traditional hospital in Xiamen, Fujian. He is a long time practitioner of Shiatsu, Tai-ji-quan and user of the Yi-Jing. He is excited to share his experience and know-how here with you.
ps. most of the photos here were taken by Jim or his wife.
Learn some basics of the language. Get acquainted with medical terminology and translation

Explore the herbs/substances used for medicine, acu-puncture-pressure points and more

& Reflecting
Visit the blog for various writings and reflections on Jim's experiences, and other offerings

Take a look through Jim's extensive photo archives from various trips and experiences around the world!

How You Can
Support the Project
While these resources are free to anyone
who seeks to expand their understanding
of the subjects explored, if you have the
means and inclination, you may donate
to Jim's website fund by sending a check to:
Jim Cleaver at
4122 NE Flanders Street Portland, OR 97232
VenMo: @ jim-cleaver-2
or use PayPal QR Code below
Thank You